Family time


Ever heard of a hydroplane? Basically they are the fastest boats you will see. Reaching speeds upward of 150 mph. It is a long time, multi-generational, family tradition to spend the last week in July camping on the Columbia River watching these boats race.

Well, today is a special occasion. A few boats made a special, one day trip to our town to do some testing and time trials.  So we are taking a mental break day and doing nothing but sitting by the river enjoying each other’s company. I hope you get a chance to spend some quality time with the ones you love this weekend.

My little Monster

Look at those freckles and those lips.  Those eye lashes and the stuffed dog, Goldwin, he is snuggling so hard you can only see a piece of his ear. Every once in a while this perfect boy asks to sleep in my bed (when Hubby works nights) and I just can’t say no as I know this won’t last forever. I love my Monster.


Cookies for Cops


So this week every year we celebrate Police Week. This is a week set aside to honor the men and women in law enforcement. Those who have been killed in the line of duty and those who go out each day with the purpose of protecting and serving our cities, counties, and highways.

This year our family decided we wanted to show our appreciation with cookies. We enlisted the help of a few friends and between the few of us we baked around 25 dozen cookies. By the end of tomorrow we will have delivered cookies to 8 different departments. I encourage you to do something to show your thanks to law enforcement and of course, if you do, I would love to know what you do.

Perry’s Berries

So my entire childhood my great grandfather, Perry, had a raspberry patch. He had over 100 bushes and he would hire people to pick the raspberries, paying them $7.25/ flat. I was 11 when I started working for him picking berries. We would start the middle of June and go through most of July. We would work from about 6 am to noon and I remember being so quick I could pick a flat and hour.  Which meant I was making $7.25/hour at just 11 years old.  Some of my best summer memories are picking raspberries at Grandpa Perry’s berry patch.

Today my Monster and I planted 8 of the starts from Grandpa Perry’s patch. I wanted to share with you a couple pictures of the new Perry’s Berries! I hope to keep these bushes in the family for generations!



5 things you may not know about me

1. I am the child of an addict. My entire childhood was spent wondering if/when my dad was going to relapse. We now have a pretty good relationship and he is a good grandfather to my children.

2. I was a teenage mother. I gave birth to my oldest daughter, Butterfly, when I was just 16 years old.

3. I am a reptile-aholic. I love love love reptiles. We currently have 2 chameleons, 2 golden skinks, and 1 crested gecko.

4. I very rarely wear matching socks. I personally hate pairing them so as long as they are the same height and texture I will wear them together.

5. I played soccer and basketball in middle school but always wanted to play football.