
If you don’t know what upcycling is, let me explain it in the words of my daughter’s friend G…”turning grandpa pants into fashionable high wasted Jean shorts.”

Butterfly had G sleepover tonight and they decided they wanted to do some upcycling. So we made a trip to the local Goodwill where they found these awesome outfits, please note G’s high wasted grandpa wranglers.


We then went to Joann Fabrics and found some notions to use for making them a little more fashionable. They came home and went right to work. After a couple hours this is what they came up with.


Yes… those are the SAME pants, crazy huh!?


This is the back of G’s shirt.

All in all, I would say they had a very successful day upcycling. If you upcycle I would love to see some of your projects.

Grilled Peaches

I was looking for a delicious, healthy dessert yesterday and remembered I have been seeing grilled Peaches on pinterest for a couple years now and every time I think to myself… I NEED to try those. However, until last night I never got around to it. I am now wishing I had tried it the first time I saw it.  They are so easy to make and scrumptious. Here is how I did it 🙂
peaches (one for each person)  
honey (1 Tbsp for each peach)
Olive oil


Picture of the peaches before Grilling

preheat your grill to a medium heat (about 350 degrees)
Cut peaches in half and discard pit.
Rub a small amount of oil on the cut side of each peach half.
Lay peaches cut side down on hot grill for about 15 minutes (until they are soft)
Remove from grill and rub 1/2 Tbsp of honey on cut side of peaches.


Peaches after grilling 

Summer Dream

Schools out for SUMMER!  My kiddos last day of school was today.  I am finding it hard to admit that next September I will have an 8th grader, a 3rd grader, and two 1st graders. However, I’m sure by August we will all be ready for a little more routine back in our lives, but for now we are dreamin’…

We sat down together after school today, wrote out our “summer dreams” and put them on this awesome board (made by my awesome co-worker).  We talked about all of the fun things we wanted to do, both together as a family and individually. I felt like putting them on paper and hanging them at the top of the stairs would be a great way to keep them at the forefront of our minds, give us something to look f.orward to, and give the kids a reason to get their summer chores done each day.

A couple of my favorites include, going camping, going to the hydroplane races, and staying home and doing nothing, picked out by my only introverted child 🙂 What is on your Summer Dream list?
Here is what ours looks like..


Senior Sunday

Do you ever wake up on Sunday morning and think…. church? Already? Weren’t we just there a week ago?  Ya, that was me this morning.

My alarm went off and all I could think was ok God, Im sure there is a reason I’m supposed to be there today. I got up and got dressed and much to my surprise my kids were already awake and getting themselves ready for church.  I figured that was my #winning moment of the day. So off to church we went…

We get there and the first thing I see as I walk into the sanctuary are 11 highschool seniors getting their caps and gowns on… IT’S SENIOR SUNDAY!  The Sunday we, as a church, set aside part of our church hour to love, honor, and appreciate our young adults who are moving on to bigger and better things. I got the opportunity to sit next to them while they were called onto the stage and a card was read letting the congregation know who they were, what college or branch of the military they were going into and what they planned to do there.

My heart couldn’t take it… I cried, I cried tears of pride as most of these young people have been members of my church for a long time so I have watched them grow up, I cried tears of hope for these amazing people who are going into the world to make it a better place, and I cried tears of sadness as I have become close to one of the girls who will be moving to a different state with a softball scholarship and I will miss seeing her beautiful face every Sunday.

I am so thankful that I was able to enjoy such an amazing celebration.
