Brave little Monkey

For the last 6 years Hubby and I have said that if any of our kids were ever going to end up with a broken bone it would be Monkey (as her name says she is a monkey and often gets hurt on her adventures). Well… we were right. About 2 weeks ago Monkey was playing at a friends house and she tried to jump over her friend but missed, falling on the ground breaking the fall with her forearm. She complained of it hurting for a little while but it never swelled and it only hurt when she put pressure on it so we figured it was sprained. A couple days later she was at a different friends house and tried to do a slip-n-slide. She came home crying, saying that her arm hurt so she couldn’t slide anymore. We watched it close and by bed time it was swollen. The next day I took her to the emergency room and they confirmed she had broken her Ulna.

They put a splint on her arm that went from her wrist to past her elbow and sent us on our way with an appointment to see and orthopedic Dr. She had to keep the splint on for a week before we could get in to see the Dr. My brave little Monkey did not complain even one time about wearing the splint. She was only looking forward to the doctor appointment so she could pick out a pretty colored cast. Our appointment with he orthopedic Dr was yesterday and she picked pink.


Here she is with her cast. I know a lot of kids break bones and I would be surprised if this is the only bone Monkey breaks, as just this morning even with the cast on, she was swinging from the monkey bars.