Nativity through the eyes of a 3 year old

A few nights ago we had the opportunity to attend Hillspring Church’s beautiful Living Nativity. All 4 of our big kids were in the cast, our oldest daughter even had the opportunity to play Mary in the outside scene. However, this post is actually about our 3 year old daughter Stephenie.

While we were watching the inside scene it got dark and some lightning flashed, for most 3 year olds it might have been a little scary. She snuggled in close and watched intently… the curtain opened, the light was red and the mood was very solemn. I wasn’t sure that Stephenie really understood what was happening in that moment until she started quietly singing “Jesus Loves Me this I know.”

My heart almost burst as she clearly understood what was happening, maybe even more than most.

Word of the year

One word 2019: I have tried for the last few years to have a “word of the year.” I am not perfect at remembering to live my word but I do my best. I have used words such as love and hope but my favorite word so far has been my word from this year. Intentional.

I tried to be intentional about things such as spending money, spending time with my kids, praying, how I spent my free time etc. It made for more meaningful relationships, better spending habits, and gave me the confidence to make better decisions.

The main way that I kept my “word” in mind was by creating a cute picture with my word and using it as my screensaver on my phone. Another great way to keep reminding yourself of you word would be to title your morning alarm as your “word” so you would wake up to your word each day or you could post sticky notes around your house.

I haven’t chosen a word for 2020 yet but don’t be surprised if it has something to do with good vision 😎🤓.

What was your 2019 word? How did you remind yourself about your word throughout the year? Do you have a word picked out for 2020 yet?