Cooking with Dani

About 15 years ago, as my husband and brother in law were just leaving the nest my mother in law wrote a cookbook called, “I Want My Dinner Now.” I have always joked that her real reason for writing it was to make sure her future daughters-in-law would know how took cook her sons a good filling meal.

This book truly taught me how to cook and gave me the confidence to try new things. Today I had the opportunity to share this cookbook with Dani. Together we created the most delicious Chicken Pot Pie. I hope she always wants to cook with me.

*Fun fact- When I found out that this book would no longer be published I purchased one for each of my children and all of my nieces and nephew as future wedding/house warming gifts.

Although this book is no longer in production my Mother in Law does still have a few copies left. Check out her ETSY shop

What if we could have kids teach each other about topics they are passionate about…

One of my favorite parts of homeschooling is that my my girls home with me while I teach preschool. Yesterday Dani spent a few minutes teaching the kids how to draw people. It was so awesome to watch.

To see her using her teaching skills to share her passion of art with a younger group of kids was wonderful. Can you imagine how different our public school system would be if we used this technique?

Putting older kids in a leadership role, using a skill set they already have, to teach other kids about something they are passionate about…. I think the results would be mind blowing.