Friday Favorites

For my first Friday Favorites I wanted to share with you some of my favorite photos I have taken as a photographer. On my down time I can usually be found with a camera in my hand. I love to shoot anything from landscapes to family portraits. You can check out some of my photography at I also run a facebook page where I showcase my landscape photos called Radiant Tree Digital Imaging. As much as I love taking pictures of people and capturing their personalities to be remembered forever, there is just something so amazing about taking pictures of nature. The overwhelming feeling I get when I point my camera at a mountain or an ocean then push the button knowing that by capturing that image we will get to enjoy and remember those moments forever is so wonderful. Here are my 5 favorite pictures (so far).

1-1-DSC_0644 This picture was taken at Columbia Park, (Kennewick Washington) on an evening walk down by the river with my family. It was taken in late July.

1-1-DSC_0159 This is a picture of Mount St. Helens in Washington. We took a day trip in early July as a family. I was truly an amazing sight to see.

1-1-DSC_0632                                                                              This picture was taken at a place called Hood park in Burbank Washington. We go there often for camping and taking pictures.

1-1-DSC_0307 This picture was taken on a family vacation in August at the Oregon Coast. Honestly, I feel closer to God at the Oregon Coast than anywhere else on Earth.

 1-1-DSC_0243 - Copy This picture was taken in February of a male lion at the Portland Oregon Zoo.

Thank you for checking out my Friday Favorites. I hope you are able to get out this weekend and enjoy your passion just as I plan to take my camera out and see something new and exciting. Who knows… maybe I will blog about what I capture in a future post.